Allergen/Mold Inspection
* What is mold and should I be concerned?
* Why is mold growing in my home/building?
* How can I prevent Mold growth?
* Can Mold be toxic?
* What is Black Mold?
* Why are we concerned about Mold?
* How do Molds affect people?
* Who is affected by exposure to Mold?
* What should I do if I see or smell Mold
in my house/building?
* Should I test my building/house for Mold?
* Who do I call to deal with extensive Mold
growth in a building?
* Can I remediate the problem myself?
VOC/MVOC Inspection
*What is VOC/MVOC?
*Should I test for VOCs?
*Will the lab reports be understandable?
*How long will the on-premises test take?
*What do I need to do with regard to test preparation?
*Can your test tell me where the off gassing is coming from?
*Who is affected by VOCs?
*What is the cost?
What is Mold and should I be concerned?
Most likely everyone has experienced indoor mold in our world, from
bread and cheese mold to mold growing in that forgotten jar at the rear
of our refrigerator. It is a common occurrence and not something to
get overly alarmed about. What we need instead of fear is caution, living
in the knowledge that molds can be dangerous in the right concentration
and combination. We all know of the Ballard House in Texas and the Ed
McMahon stories where the houses made the inhabitants sick. Michael
Jordan had a suit in progress for mold in his Illinois mansion.
With a bit of knowledge we can protect ourselves and be ever cautions
of moisture on nutrient sources, i.e., almost any material in the modern
building (wood, metal, fuel, concrete, drywall, carpet, anything carbon
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Why is Mold growing in my home/building?
It is important to stress that mold spores are everywhere, on all surfaces.
When the factors are right, they will grow and form colonies. Add moisture
and nutrients and mold will grow. Different types of mold will grow
in a variety of conditions. Most likely there is a moisture source in
your building that needs to be remedied. Sometimes the building structure
was wet during construction. Moisture intrusion (from swamp coolers)
may push the building envelope over the 60% mark. Mold spores will grow
and propagate (multiply) on a variety of surfaces when moisture requirements
are met. Common sources of indoor moisture that can cause mold problems
include flooding, roof and plumbing leaks, damp basement or crawl spaces,
or anywhere moist air condenses on cold surfaces.
How can I prevent Mold growth?
Controlling excess moisture is the key to preventing and stopping indoor
mold growth. Keeping susceptible areas in the home clean and dry is
very important. Ventilate or use exhaust fans (to the outdoors) to remove
moisture where it accumulates: bathrooms: kitchens: and laundry areas.
Be sure the clothes dryer vents to outside the house. Repair water leaks
promptly, and either dry out and clean or replace any water-damaged
materials. Materials that stay wet for longer that 48 hours are likely
to produce mold growth. Lowering the humidity in the home also helps
prevent condensation problems. To lower humidity during humid weather,
air conditioners and dehumidifiers may be used. Proper exterior wall
insulation helps prevent condensation inside the home during cold weather
that could cause mold growth.
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Can Mold be toxic?
Some molds can produce toxic substances called mycotoxins. Airborne
mycotoxins have not been shown to cause health problems to occupants
in residential or commercial buildings. The health effects of breathing
mycotoxins are not well understood and are currently under study.
High or chronic airborne exposures, typically associated with certain
occupations like agricultural work, have been associated with illnesses,
although these are rare. More is known about eating mycotoxins (from
humans and animals consuming moldy foods or feed) and the resulting
health effects than is known about breathing mycotoxins.
What is "Black Mold"?
The news media often refer to "black mold" or "toxic
black mold". It has usually been associated with the mod Stachybotrys
chartarum, a type of greenish-black mold commonly associated with heavy
water damage. Known health effects are similar to other common molds.
It has been inconclusively associated with more severe health effects
in some people. While there are only a few molds that are truly black,
many can appear black. Not all mold that appears to be black is Stachybotrus.
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), this mold is responsible
for over "100 cases of lung disorders".
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Why are we concerned about Mold?
Small amounts of mold growth in workplaces or homes (such as mildew
on a shower curtain) or workplaces are not a major concern, but no mold
should be permitted to grow and multiply indoors. When molds are present
in large quantities, they may cause nuisance odors and health problems
for some people. Mold can damage building materials, finishes and home
furnishings. Some molds can cause structural damage to wood.

How do Molds affect people?
Most people will have no reaction at all when exposed to molds. Allergic
reactions, similar to common pollen or animal allergies, are the most
common health effects for individuals sensitive to molds. Flu-like symptoms
and skin rash may occur. Molds may also aggravate asthma. Fungal infections
from building-associated molds may occur in people with serious immune
disease but this is very rare. Most symptoms are temporary and eliminated
by correcting the mold problem in the home.
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Who is affected by exposure to mold?
For those who are affected by mold exposure, there can be a wide variation
in how they react. People who may be affected more severely and quickly
than others include:
* infants and children
* elderly people
* individuals with respiratory conditions or allergies and asthma
* persons with weakened immune systems (for example, people with HIV
infection, chemotherapy patients, or organ or bone marrow transplant
recipients, autoimmune diseases.)
Those with special health concerns should consult their doctor if they
are concerned about mold exposure. The symptoms that may seem to occur
from mold exposure can also be due to other causes such as bacterial
or viral infections, or other allergies.
What should I do if I see or smell mold in
my home?
The most important step in solving a mold problem is to identify and
fix the moisture sources that caused the mold growth. For small mold
problems, use detergent and water to wash mold off hard surfaces and
dry completely. Porous or absorbent materials (such as ceiling tiles,
wallboard and carpeting) that become moldy should be replaced. If you
do not see mold growth, but notice a musty odor, mold may be growing
behind water-damaged materials, such as walls, carpeting or wallpaper.
Persons cleaning mold should wear gloves, eye protection and a dust
mask or respirator to protect against breathing airborne spores (an
N95 dust mask or respirator may be purchased in hardware stores). If
you have health concerns, you should consult your doctor before doing
any mold cleanup. Back
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Should I test my home for mold?
Probably not. It should not be your first step. Your first step should
be to inspect your home for any evidence of water damage and any visible
mold growth. Testing for mold is expensive, and you should have a clear
reason for doing so. In most cases, it is not economically practical
or useful to test for mold growth on surfaces or for airborne spores
in the home. Testing also tells you little about where mold is located
and how to clean it up. In addition, there are no standards for 'acceptable'
levels of mold in buildings, so when testing is done, it is usually
to compare the levels and types of mold spores found inside the home
with those found outside the home. If you know you have a mold problem,
it is more important to spend time and resources to get rid of the mold
and solve the moisture problem causing the moldy conditions rather than
to test for the mold problem.
Who do I call to deal with extensive mold growth
in a building?
A professional experienced in mold cleanup may need to be hired to address
extensive mold growth in a building. It is important to correct large
mold problems as soon as possible by first fixing the source of the
moisture problem, then cleaning the surfaces, and finally by drying
the area completely. If you use outside contractors or professionals,
make sure they have experience cleaning up mold, check their references,
and have them follow the recommendations and guidelines as outlined
by the IESO (Indoor Environmental Standards Organization).
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Can I remediate the mold myself?

Spores from dried mold are very dangerous and should be cleaned with
caution. You should never scrape or scratch at dried mold as the spores
would then be released into the air and pose an inhalation risk. A respiratory
mask and eye protection are necessary and adequate clothing to prevent
skin contact is recommended.
If the problem is more internal such as on insulation or throughout
a carpet, the only solution is to remove and replace the items. An infested
area of over 2 feet is considered a "heavily infested" area
and professional help should be consulted. Mold problems resulting from
flooding should also be managed professionally to avoid possible health
What is VOC/MVOC?
VOC stands for volatile organic compound. MVOC stands for mold volatile organic compound.
VOC is a chemical compound and is best thought of as off gassing particles from paints, varnishes, glues, perfumes, household cleaning agents, etc. All buildings and furnishings off gas their chemical components. Think of a new car smell or a library smell or that of a freshly painted room.
MVOC is an indication of mold colony off gassing. Often used in conjunction with a mold ambient air test for airborne spores or surface samples, this test can provide additional confirmation of the presence of mold.
Should I test for VOCs?
It depends. If you think there may be something amiss with the indoor air in your building, then perhaps it will affirm your suspicion. Typically, homeowners or office dwellers cannot identify the source of their concern. The testing equipment used by Prism Analytical is highly sensitive and measures to the nanogram (one billionth of a gram). As always, sometimes the absence of elevated VOCs is as instructive as the presence, giving you assurance that your home or office is not an issue.
Will the lab reports be understandable?
In my opinion they are, but I am familiar with them. I always provide a written report synopsizing the results. Any questions or clarification needed is welcomed. Feel free to call. More information and sample reports.
How long will the on-premises test take?
Two hours for the VOC/MVOC. Twenty minutes for the formaldehyde.
What do I need to do with regard to test preparation?
I will go over the protocol with you before the test. Essentially we do not want the building 'aired out' before the test as we do not want any VOCs diluted with fresh air. Heavy cooking or frying or house cleaning is also discouraged so we can obtain accurate results.
Can your test tell me where the off gassing is coming from?
No, not specifically. But the report is ingenious as it will link certain compounds with certain products. From there you can deduce what may be the culprit.
Who is affected by VOCs?
It is more an issue of sensitivity to VOCs rather than being affected by them, and sensitivity can manifest differently among individuals. We can all be adversely affected by a chemical if there is undue exposure. Certain exposure guidelines are included in the VOC/MVOC reports. In the report you will be able to gauge what is 'normal' or acceptable.
What is the cost?
$495 for the initial test, then $395 for each additional test.
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